Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mutability my theme

utability my theme
nay, neither moot nor mute
    I must say my say
do my damned worst or bestingest
every grunt and groan
a mouthful to a footfall
until i flop myself down
and exit upon a hook
where there’s no season or clime
no bother of raison d’être etcetera

campanile bells ring their changes
changes to measure compatible
lively the moment    to strike
    or strict
to which they turn their tongues
pulled and reeling
heel and toe as we go
with a heigh ho hey nonny no
upon each taken yeasty breath
footing it tempo to the body’s beat
urged by primal legacy
    mutability my theme
taken at its worth    sobeit!
cogency sent from earthandsky


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